We give thanks to God for all the blessings that He has bestowed upon our parish over the last 125 years. A small group of German immigrants has grown into a parish of over 1900 families in the course of these years. Growth has meant change from a small church on Broadway to our magnificent church of today where we are a community of people sharing the oneness of our faith and love for God. Our parish has a fine history of welcoming new parishioners and the community spirit among our parishioners continues to grow.
Our Mission is to continue the work started by our founders with Jesus Christ as our model, centered in the Eucharist, and teaching the gospel message and applying it to our everyday lives. May we be a beacon of Christian hope and love to the people of Bayonne as we are founded in the past and focused on the future.
To register with St. Henry Parish, come to the Rectory Office, in person, between 9 AM and 4 PM,
Monday through Thursday, and complete a registration card, or call 201-436-0857, Ext. 110 (Nancy).
St. Henry Church has a proud history of providing excellent sacred music for our Masses and special liturgies. This is financially supported through our parish budget. There are times during the year when we would like to add special music through instrumentalists (brass choir, string quartet, flute, etc.). We also would like to reserve funds to maintain our historic 50 rank pipe organ. We are establishing the St. Cecilia Fund (Patron of Sacred Music) to support these items. You can make a designated contribution of any amount by writing on your check or envelope FOR ST. CECILIA FUND and making the check payable to ST. HENRY CHURCH. We encourage you to help support this sacred music effort. The money will be used by the music ministry as the year progresses. You can also indicate your donation is in honor or memory of a named loved one.
The Winner of our March 2025 Calendar Raffle is Dianne Rocheny. Congratulations!
Thank you to all those who participated.
Our 2025 Calendar Raffle Tickets are now on sale. Cost is $120 each. First drawing is January 1, 2025.
Parish Office hours are: Monday through Thursday, 9AM to 4PM
Food Pantry is the First and Third Wednesday of each month from 10:00AM to 12:00PM for Bayonne residents only. Proof of Bayonne residency is required. One bag of food per household will be distributed. (Non-perishable food items are always needed and very much appreciated. You may bring your donation to the Parish Office, Monday – Thursday, 9AM – 4PM).
- Ring the Office doorbell. A pre-packaged bag will be brought to you.
– The 12 Noon Mass on Sunday is live-streamed on our Facebook page, St. Henry RC Church.
– We continue to celebrate ONE Mass each weekday at 12 Noon.
From the Archdiocese of Newark: (click on title to view)
A Thanksgiving Message from Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin
Caring for Our Common Home by Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin, Archbishop of Newark
Archdiocese of Newark Addiction Treatment Referral Program
Explore the Power of Genuine Connections in the age of Social Media
Pray for an End to all Instances of Violence
by Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin, Archbishop of Newark
God’s Mercy is Extended to Everyone
by Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin, Archbishop of Newark
Rejoice in the Lord NEWSLETTER
by Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin, Archbishop of Newark
Cathedral Basilica – Concert Series 2022/2023
For more information about current parish events & other news click on the “Bulletin” tab above to view our most recent bulletin as well as past issues.
We remember with love our beloved pastor, bishop and friend,
Bishop Thomas Donato
Oct. 1, 1940 – Aug. 25, 2015